Ruby wants nothing more than to play with Jackie and I when we get home from work. There are two sides to this, first Ruby is settled in enough to know that we're coming home which is great! At the same time, I'm not used to having to gear up to come home from work. Normally home time is my time to relax and I find that I am not able to relax as much as I would like. Ruby looks for any excuse to play or cuddle with us. Jackie came home from work one day this week and took a nap, Ruby laid in bed with Jackie while she slept. Ruby just enjoys having us around. Along the same lines, Ruby has been trying so hard to play with Zoey and Jack, our ferret. Ruby will paw at Zoey or the pillow/blanket Zoey is laying on, anything to try and get Zoey to play. If Zoey acknowledges her at all it normally results in her rolling over onto her back and letting Ruby sniff her. We are finding that Ruby and Zoey are laying next to each other much more frequently as Zoey becomes more comfortable with Ruby. Jack provides Ruby much more interaction. Ruby has a great time chasing Jack around, but it is clear Ruby has no idea what Jack is or how to deal with it.
Some dogs can sense when people aren't feeling well. Ruby is not one of those dogs. She looks for the same amount of attention and love that she does every day. Both Jackie and I have been sick this week, and it has not affected Ruby's behavior at all. In fact, I have found that Ruby shoves herself at us more when we don't move as much. It's either give her all your energy with playing, or all your attention when you're sitting.
Ruby will sit and lay down on command, which is amazing. She is also good when it comes to understanding direction, no means no. If we tell Ruby no, or down if she's jumping up on us, Ruby immediately listens to us. This is so much better than Zoey, who we need to tell several times to stop, specifically when it comes to wanting human food and attention.
I vacuumed this week. Ruby was definitely interested in what was causing all the noise. Though all she would do is stick her head around corners to sneak a peak at the vacuum, but when I got close to her she ran away.
Friday morning at 3:45am Jackie and I woke up to Ruby making some horrible noise. I was told to take care of it since Jackie had to wake up in an hour. All I could do was open the door to give Ruby some water, of course she didn't drink any water, she just wanted to play. Ruby is very much a puppy. We never really figured out what was wrong with Ruby, it sounded like she wanted to throw-up but she thankfully did not.
Most interesting thing that has happened with Ruby this week:
She caught a bird while we were walking her this weekend. It happened so quickly I did not know what was going on, I needed Jackie to help fill me in on the whole story. We were walking the dogs Ruby got close to a bush, and several birds flew out low from the bush and somehow Ruby had ridiculous reflexes and caught a bird in her mouth. All I saw was us walking the dogs, then Ruby sitting there with a wing sticking out of her mouth. We told Ruby to drop it and she opened her mouth, allowing the bird to fly away. Good thing that Ruby listens to our instruction. But this just shows you how much Ruby is changing and how much we are learning about her. And I am sure there is much more to learn.
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